Terms and Conditions
Legal Website Disclaimer
This website is for informational and educational purposes only. It in no way constitutes legal advice. It is meant to provide only a basic understanding of the area of law you may be interested in. It is not a legal treatise, case formula, and should not be considered to be a legal opinion in any way. Do not rely on this or any website information to make decisions or take any action relating to your own situation. Law is an ever evolving field and this website may or may not have the most current information on recent legal developments it provides general information on, both statewide or nationally. You agree that under no circumstances is our firm liable for damages of any kind relating to your choice to read our website for informational, educational and/or contact purposes, which are the only purposes this website is intended to be used.
Our law firm is committed to allowing seamless, accessible, and unhindered use of our services for all individuals. We have taken, and continue to take, reasonable steps to ensure that this is also the case for those of us with disabilities that may make it more challenging to access information using technology. We endeavor to provide accessibility and continue our efforts to constantly and consistently improve the accessibility of our website and services in the belief that we are all best served when we work together to ensure everyone has access to the legal representation they need at any time. To learn more about this commitment, please refer to our Law Firm Accessibility Statement.
Content Ownership
The content, including text and blogs, of this website is the sole property of this law firm. What you read here represents our opinion and only our opinion. Any similarity to actual clients, cases, or circumstances is purely coincidence.
No Solicitation Intended
This website is for informational and educational purposes only. It in no way is intended to act as a solicitation. The hiring of a lawyer is a serious decision and should not be entered into lightly or based solely on reading an informational and educational website. You should consider all of a lawyer’s qualifications and expertise prior to hiring any lawyer.
We may change our website policies at any time without notice to you and without providing notice in writing. Our changes are effective upon publishing them on this website.
Computer Viruses, Hacks and Security
You understand there is a risk to using any website on the internet, including ours, and that we assume no responsibility for any and all security issues, including computer viruses, that may result from using our website. We will not be held liable for any damages that may emerge and you agree to be bound by our Hold Harmless and Indemnification Policy included herein.
Email and Electronic Communication
Email and electronic communication with anyone, including this firm and including through this website, cannot be treated as confidential or secure. Any form of electronic communication, including email, with this firm or anyone may not be stable or secure and if you choose to send electronic communication, including email, you assume the risk of an unsecure communication. You agree that under no circumstances is our firm liable for damages of any kind relating to your choice to communicate through electronic means with our firm. Further, when you are not a client of our firm no information you send us, through email or otherwise, is protected. Attorney-client privilege does not exist between attorneys and non-clients.
Website Tools
This website does use website tools such as Google Analytics and other webmaster tools. Our purpose for using these tools is to consistently improve the user experience by understanding what anonymous visitors look at and are searching for on our website. At no time do we obtain your name and information unless you choose to provide it to us through our contact information or other form of communication. You may disable this feature and still use our website.
Hold Harmless and Indemnification
By using our website you agree to fully defend, indemnify, and hold harmless our website, our firm, and any of our employees, contractors, assigns, and third party providers from any and all claims, loss, costs, expenses, lawsuits, demands, causes of action, liability, damage and/or injury of any kind whatsoever, including, but not limited to, and without limitation, all claims for monetary loss, property damage, consequential damages, equitable relief, personal injury and/or wrongful death, whether brought by an individual or entity, or imposed by a court of law or by an administrative action of any federal, state or local governmental body or agency, arising out of, in any way whatsoever, your use of our website and your violation of any part of our Terms of Use. This Hold Harmless and Indemnification applies to and includes without limitation the payment of all penalties, fines, judgements, awards, decrees, attorneys’ fees and related costs and any reimbursements of expenses including, but not limited to, all legal fees, expenses, and costs incurred by us.
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Many cases have very specific time frames and statutes of limitations associated with them. Any delay on your part may cause you to lose your right to pursue your case. Should you believe you have a case of any kind, you should seek the advice of legal counsel. This website in no way should be considered a substitute for legal counsel.
No Attorney-Client Relationship
Reading this website does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Filling out a contact information form, emailing us or calling us does not make you a client of our firm or create an attorney-client relationship. Becoming a client of our firm is a process that can occur when both you and the attorney sign a written engagement agreement or contract that formalizes the attorney-client relationship. This agreement is only signed when the attorney decides to take on your case. This process and agreement to formally enter into an attorney-client relationship cannot be waived under any circumstance. Do not send confidential legal documents to us before you are a client of the firm and have signed the written engagement agreement. Attorney-client privilege does not exist between attorneys and non-clients.
No Outcome Guaranteed
This website is not a definitive statement of outcomes for any cases regardless of similar nature. It does not predict, guarantee, qualify or in any other way comment on the outcome of any case. You cannot and should not rely on information provided on this website for your circumstances.
Third Parties
Any mention, link, discussion, share, description, usage or any other use of a third party on this website should not be considered or construed as an endorsement of any kind for the third party. We may include a link to a third party website for your convenience only, but do not represent or guarantee the accuracy, legality or safety of a third party website. You agree to assume all risk should you proceed to use a third party website and hold us harmless and indemnify us from any issues arising from that interaction.